Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Zoo Camp- The Living Desert

The Living Desert is doing their ZOO CAMP again this year. Here is some of the information I received off of their website!

Summer Zoo Camp
8 weeks!

Once again, we'll be offering a selection of ZooCamp experiences. Standard Summer ZooCamp consists of six weekly sessions. Each themed class focuses on an entertaining and educational topic, geared to the specific age level at which it's offered. ZooCampers will be excited by the special behind-the-scenes tours and animal encounters you can only find at The Living Desert! 

Summer ZooCamp weekly sessions are offered for ages 4 though 12. These sessions run Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 12:00 noon. Summer ZooCampers need to come equipped for outdoor activity with a snack, lunch and water bottle each day.

We'll also be offering special 2-day sessions with our very popular Jr. Ranger Program for campers ages 6-14 at the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway and NEW programming for ZooCampers ages 10-14, where our older ZooCampers engage in stimulating observations and experiments to better understand the desert around them! 

ZooCamp Sleepover Option! ZooCampers now have the opportunity to spend the night at the zoo! ZooCamp overnights are offered once per Zoo Camp. Your adventure begins at 6:30pm and includes guided nighttime walks, a campfire program and surprises along the way! Breakfast the next morning is provided. 

Week 1: June 18th - June 22nd 

Week 2: June 25th - June 29th 

Week 3: July 2nd - July 6th 

Week 4: Jr. Rangers Program at the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway (ages 6-14)

    Session A: July 9th - 10th from 9am to 2pm
    Session B: July 11th - 12th from 9am to 2pm
    ZooCamp Sleepover! July 12th 6:30pm - July 13th 9:00am
Week 5: July 16th - July 27th 

Week 6: July 23rd - July 27th 

Week 7: July 30th - August 3rd 

Week 8: Special ZooCamp Programs (ages 11-14) 
    Session A: August 6th - 7th from 8am to 12noon
    Session B: August 8th - 9th from 8am to 12noon
    Come join the Desert Explorers as we discover more than ever before about our desert flora, fauna and the ever changing land beneath us! These special sessions have been designed to challenge and excite older ZooCampers!
Please see the Summer ZooCamp Schedule for pricing and program specifics (posted April 1st). Registration begins April 15th. Register early, as ZooCamp sessions frequently sell out! 

For more information, please contact the Education Department at 760-346-5694, ext. 2501 or send an email to ZooCamp@livingdesert.org

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