Tuesday, May 1, 2012


So about two months ago I was on facebook and asked my friends about getting into a moms group. Not really sure what I was asking, but one lady (Tabitha) told me that I needed to check with MEETUP.COM and look around for moms groups with toddler kids. Well of course being bored out of my mind I was up for anything. Went on and noticed a meetup group in the valley and went ahead and asked to join. It was really neat because the group is connected with facebook, so once they added me on I was able to see everyone in the group before going to the first meetup. Which I am a little bit paranoid when it comes to my children and who I put them in contact with. So went to the first meetup which was at the local park. The ladies were very friendly and the kids were so nice to my little ones! I couldn't of asked for a better group. Since the first meetup we have done tons of park trips, home trips to other peoples homes, pool play dates, and also the most important one ever is the moms of the group actually have a gym that they go to daily (with a discount since its a big group). We are right now in a weight loss challenge which is so much fun! Lost some lbs, but not enough! Having the gym membership which also has daycare for free is really nice. It gives me my time for the hour and the kids interact with other kids the same age in a group! Couldn't ask for anything more! The group also has weekend fun play dates, like park time, pool time, and sometimes they even meetup at the polo grounds. A lot of the play dates are free, unless they do like Chuck-E-Cheeses or something like that. I would definitely recommend looking up MEETUP.COM for the SAHM and/or the working mom as well.

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